
My Name is Ellé (pronounced Ellie for those of you who were pondering), I'm the grand old age of 14 and an aspiring blogger.

After recently ( when I say recently I mean the last year or so) being exposed to the crazy world of youtube, it's sparked a passion for blogging inside of me, my biggest inspiration being Zoella. I also hope to start up my own vlogs later on depending on how successful my blog is ( staying hopeful here, fingers crossed).

I'm interested in all things fashion, beauty, life and cakes!!! So that's what my blog is going to be about, it will include tips and hints/ tricks, review of beauty products and accessories, some of my favourites (hairstyles, recipes, accessories, outfits) and possibly the odd recipe from time to time.

I just want to thank everyone who takes the time to read this crazy little blog of mine and comment/send me feedback and thoughts, I hope you enjoy the crazy little world of me. Ellé x

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